The article presents the problems connected with the construction of space in Pan Tadeusz (Sir Thaddeus) by Adam Mickiewicz. An idyllic vision of space, usually associated with this poem, is deconstructed. The space created by the poet seems to be a site of negative energy: ambiguous identities, closure, undifferentiated and dominant nature, the lack of advanced civilization (as well as the lack of village representing rustic work), passivity, death, and finally the agon, which, however, does not solve real conflicts.Michał Kuziak – dr hab., prof. Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, autor książek Fragmenty o Słowackim, Słupsk 2001, Wielka całość. Dyskursy kulturowe Mickiewicza, Słupsk 2006, 2010, O prelekcjach paryskich Adama Mickiewicza, Słupsk 20...